
Marine Agency

PCFC's Marine Agency launches campaign promoting Sailor Safety and Occupational Health

Monday, June 24, 2024

In conjunction with the World Seafarers Day, which is observed annually on June 25th, the Marine Agency for Wooden Ships, part of the Ports, Customs, and Free Zone Corporation, launched an awareness campaign focused on sailor safety and occupational health. The campaign included a workshop held at the Marine Agency’s headquarters, where discussions revolved around collaborative opportunities and proposed initiatives aimed at enhancing the welfare of sailors. Emphasis was placed on raising awareness about adhering to maritime safety and security standards to ensure safe maritime navigation. Highlighting the importance of reinforcing occupational safety and health standards in maritime operations, the workshop showcased several proposed initiatives. These initiatives encompassed improving working conditions aboard wooden ships and providing necessary training for sailors on modern safety techniques. The workshop featured presentations and open discussions led by experts and specialists in the field of occupational safety and health. H.E. Mahmood Amin Khoory, CEO of the Marine Agency for Wooden Ships at the Ports, Customs, and Free Zone Corporation, expressed his commitment to sailor safety, stressing, "We understand that sailors face significant risks due to harsh weather conditions and other hazards in their work environment. Therefore, our Marine Agency is dedicated to enhancing awareness regarding the importance of sailor safety and health through this campaign, launched on the occasion of World Seafarers Day. This underscores our deep commitment to establishing occupational safety and health standards for workers in this vital sector, ensuring the sustainability of maritime operations in Dubai”. He further added, "Through collaboration and the implementation of proposed initiatives, we aim to improve working conditions aboard wooden dhows, fostering a safe and sustainable work environment in the maritime sector. The well-being and health of ship crew members are our utmost priority, and we will continue our efforts to achieve the highest levels of safety and quality in our operations”. Khoory affirmed the Marine Agency’s dedication to providing comprehensive support and training to maritime sector employees in Dubai, aiming to ensure their safety and professional health. He reiterated the Marine Agency’s continuous efforts to collaborate with relevant entities to create a safe and healthy working environment for sailors, thereby enhancing their lives and working conditions. The awareness campaign aligns with Dubai's ongoing commitment to prioritizing maritime safety and sustainability, reflecting proactive measures to safeguard the welfare of sailors operating within its waters.
