​​Freezone Industrial Operations

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Freezone Industrial Operations FAQs

1. What is Operation Fitness Certificate (OFC)?

Operation Fitness Certificate (OFC) is a mandatory document issued by EHS to the client of Dubai world. This certificate confirms that the operation of the company under the issued license and declared location/s, as assessed during the inspections, is acceptable from Environment, Health & Safety perspectives. It is mandatory to all PCFC business Units/Dubai World’s jurisdiction prior to commercial operations and requirements for license renewal.

2. When should I obtain the Operation Fitness Certificate (OFC)?

OFC is required:

  • upon receipt of signed lease agreement from the Dubai World Business Unit (JAFZA, Techno Park, DMCC, DMC, etc.) for Pre-Built Unit & ready to commence operations
  • upon obtaining a Building Completion Certificate to enable him to commence operations in the facility,
  • when the client installs new machinery /equipment/racking systems or carry out expansion in the existing facility towards operation of the same
  • when the client obtain additional pre-built facility to commence operations therein

3. What are the steps in obtaining Operation Fitness Certificate (OFC)?

  • The client has to submit duly filled, signed & stamped inspection request form along with Building Completion Certificate and/or valid JAFZA License in electronic form(CD) as Acrobat file (.pdf) to EHS Office or through email at [email protected] and confirming with Document Control Officer (04-8068803) if the document is received
  • EHS Officer will review the submission and revert to the client for any documents/clarification required.
  • EHS Officer will arrange the date/schedule of Joint Inspection with other unit and inform the client of the same.
  • Inspection will be carried out by EHS at the specified date.
  • If there is no comment from EHS Officer, OFC will be issued. Otherwise, inspection report will be sent to the client specifying the requirements to follow or documents that needs to be provided.
  • Upon compliance, the client shall submit a point wise reply to the inspection report along withrelevant documents through email at [email protected].
  • Follow-up inspection will be conducted (if necessary) to verify compliance or otherwise OFC will released.
  • OFC released shall be claimed at EHS Reception.

4. What is Operation Fitness Certificate (OFC) Amendment?

Wherever an existing company/client carry out modification/expansion and/or install additional machinery/racking system in his facilities or obtain additional license or activities, his existing OFC needs to be amended to reflect these changes. In order to obtain the amended OFC the same step mentioned above shall be followed (Item no. 3).

5. Are there any charges/fees for obtaining Operation Fitness Certificate?

Yes. Depending on the categorization of the company: (a) Low Risk – AED 3500 (b) Medium Risk – AED 5250 & (c) High Risk – AED 8750, invoice will be sent to you after the first inspection. All follow-up inspections except first follow-up will be charged (AED 1000) and subsequently invoice for payment. All financial charges shall be cleared prior to issuance of OFC.

6. Where should I pay the inspection charges?

Payments are received in cash or in cheque (in favor of PCFC – Trakhees) at EHS Cashier Office located at Jebel Ali Free Zone near Gate No. 3 or International City Management Office – Trakhees Cashier Office.

7. Do I have to renew the Operation Fitness Certificate (OFC)?

Yes. Your OFC is valid only for a period of 1 year or till the validity of your license; it needs to be renewed before its expiry to avoid delay in the license renewal process since OFC is one of the requirements by JAFZA for the license renewal.

8. How can I renew my Operation Fitness Certificate (OFC)?

EHS Officer will carry out inspection of your facility 45 - 60 days prior to OFC expiry. Inspection report will be sent to you specifying the requirements & observations during the inspection which you need to comply. Upon compliance, a point wise response to the inspection report shall be submitted through email at [email protected]. EHS Officer will carry out follow-up inspection and upon satisfactory compliance with the requirements the OFC will be released. The original OFC can be claimed at EHS reception.

9. Is there any procedure to follow in order to obtain Crane & Gas Cylinders entry pass?

Yes – The relevant procedure titled with “EHS-IOP-08Procedure to obtain EHS Entry permit for Mobile Crane and Gas Cylinder/Liquefied Gas Vehicle and download applicable form for the transporters to fill & subsequently to submit to EHS Office in electronic copy (CD) or by mail ([email protected]) with applicable supporting documents for necessary action

10. What are the applicable documents to be submitted for Crane/Gas Cylinders Entry Pass?

Crane Pass

i) Application for Entry of Mobile Crane

ii) Company Trade License

iii) Mobile Crane Registration

iv) Crane Inspection Report & Test Certificate issued by EHS-Trakhees approved/Pre-qualified Third Party Agency

Gas Cylinders Pass

i) Application for Entry of Gas Cylinders/ Liquefied Gas Vehicles

ii) Company Trade License

iii) Vehicle Registration Copy

iv) Driver license Copy

v) Test Certificate issued by EHS-Trakhees approved/Pre-qualified Third Party Agency for the vehicle carrying bulk gas storage tank.

11. How do I collect/receive approval copy of Crane/Gas Cylinders Entry Pass?

Upon review of submitted documents & application by EHS, a provisional approval (if found satisfactory) shall be sent to the concerned transporter. The client who will in-turn approach our EHS Finance (located in the EHS Main Office- JAFZA Gate # 3) with the copy of provisional approval & relevant document for necessary payment & collection of final approved permit.

12. Are there any charges/fees for obtaining approval for Crane/Gas Cylinders Entry Pass?

Yes. An entry fee of AED 600 per month - for Mobile Crane/Lifting Equipment Monthly Permit and AED 900 per quarter (3 months) for Gas Cylinders Vehicle shall be paid.

13. Do I have to make the payment by Cheque or Cash?

Cash Payment is acceptable, while Cheque (in favor PCFC – Trakhees) is acceptable only with a minimum payment of AED 500/-

14. Is there any limitation of Crane or Gas Cylinder Pass Validity?

Approval period shall be inline with Expiry date of Crane/Gas Cylinder Vehicle Registration or Third Party Test Certificate for the Crane/bulk storage gas tank.

15. Can I renew the approval for Crane/Gas Cylinder Entry?

Yes. Before or after expiry of the approval, applicable documents as required shall be submitted to EHS-Trakhees. But no (Crane & Gas Cylinders) operations shall be carried out without valid permit from EHS in JAFZA/Dubai World.

16. How do I apply for additional visas for my company?

Companies requiring additional visas shall apply to the Administration Department of their respective Business Units (e.g. JAFZA, Techno Park, Dubai Multi Commodities Center) for their visa/manpower requirements.

17. How will I know if my visa request is being processed?

The Business Unit admin shall send an internal advice to EHS and then an EHS Officer will contact your company and/or will send the procedure EHS-IOP-7 Procedure to obtain EHS Approval - NOC for Visa to the email address registered to the Business Unit Administration.

18. What are the information or documents I need to submit to EHS for my visa request?

Once the company receives the visa inspection procedure from EHS, he is required to submit the duly filled up visa inspection request form along with as-built lay-out of the facility. The application shall be submitted in electronic copy (CD) at EHS Office or email at [email protected].

19. Can I attach a separate sheet for the list of employees required in the visa inspection request form?

Yes, if the space provided in the visa inspection request form is not sufficient, a separate sheet can be submitted for the list of employees.

20. When do I expect for an inspection to my company?

Once the duly filled up form is received by EHS, along with the required documents, an EHS officer will contact your company for the inspection schedule within 3 working days.

21. How long does it take for the inspection report to be forwarded to the administration department?

The visa inspection report is submitted to the respective Business Unit admin within 3 working days from the date of receipt of the complete information.

22. When can I process the visas of our employees?

Immediately after the receipt of visa inspection report from EHS by Business Unit Admin

23. How do I pay the visa inspection fee?

Upon completion of the visa inspection report, your company will be billed by EHS. Payment can be made thru cash or cheque in the amount of AED 1,000.00/- and paid in the account of PCFC -Trakhees at the EHS cashier – EHS Main Office near Gate No. 3.

24. Why it is required to obtain approval for temporary use of Port-a-cabin and Container?

Actually the operational use of Port-a-cabins / Containers within the lessee’s premises is not permitted in the premises under Dubai World (DW) jurisdiction (apart from construction purpose). However, due to some special case & urgent needs of the client, approval for temporary use could be permitted under certain conditions and after due approvals from the concerned JAFZA Departments. Approval is required in order for the client to give prime importance & take into account the Health, Safety & Environment & Fire Protection requirements while port-a-cabin & container is being used at the premises.

25. What are the requirements/documents for obtaining approval for temporary use of Port-a-cabin/Container?

  • Duly filled, signed & stamped Port-a-cabin-Container Entry Request Form and Port-a-cabin – Container Inspection Request Form
  • Copy of Initial approval from Property Department of the relevant Business Unit (JAFZA/Techno Park/DMC/ NAKHEEL etc.)
  • Official letter stating the Purpose & duration of use (maximum duration shall not be more than 4 months)
  • Setting out Plan showing the exact location(s) of the proposed port-a-cabin / container including the location of existing port-a-cabin/ containers (if any), Drainage drawings and Fire Protection arrangements.
  • Detailed drawing/ specifications/construction material of the port-a-cabin. Construction material should be of minimum 30 minutes fire hour rating.

26. How can I obtain the approval for temporary use of Port-a-cabin & Container?

The client has to submit duly filled, signed & stamped Port-a-cabin-Container Entry Request Form and Portacabin – Container Inspection Request Form along with the required documents in electronic format (CD-Acrobat-pdf file) to EHS Reception Office or through email at [email protected]. EHS shall review the request/submission (may include site visits) and assess the feasibility for preliminary approval for port-a-cabin/container entry. After satisfactory compliance with requirements and inspection of the port-a-cabin / container, EHS will then issue a Final approval Letter.

27. How long is the validity of the permit?

Permit/Approval is valid depending on the client’s request but not to exceed a period of four (4) months.

28. Can I request for the extension of the Permit/Approval for Container/Port-a-cabin?

Yes. Approval can be extended to a maximum period of twelve (12) months, however, client has to present to EHS the progress of the constructions or projects and submit it in electronic format (CD-Acrobat-pdf file) to EHS Reception Office or through email at [email protected] along with the copy of initial approval from Property Department (if applicable), Port-a-cabin-Container Entry Request Form and Port-a-cabin – Container Inspection Request Form. Upon satisfactory compliance with the submission & inspection, EHS shall advice the client for applicable charges. Upon receipt of payment invoice, EHS Officer will then issue the approval for extension.

29. How much fees & charges to be paid for the approval of port-a-cabin/container?

The fees & charges to be paid are as follows:

  • For First Approval, a Refundable Security Deposit of AED 5,000/- or AED 10,000/- per cabin / container for 20’ or 40’ feet sized cabins / containers respectively.
  • EHS Monitoring fee @ AED 500/- per 14 sq. m of total floor area occupied per month. Also, (AED 500/- per month for 20’ port-a-cabin / container and AED 1000/- per month for 40’ port-a-cabin / container).
  • A processing of AED 500 per approval

30. When I can refund the Security Deposit?

Upon removal of the container/ port-a-cabin from JAFZ Jurisdiction, client can submit their request for the refundable deposit. Client has to submit Official letter in electronic format (CD-Acrobat-pdf file) to EHS Reception Office or through email at [email protected] along with the copy of Security Deposit Payment Receipt and exit stamped from Security Department. Upon verification of the documents, EHS officer will inspect the client’s premises to confirm the removal of port-a-cabin / container and issue the letter to Trakhees Finance Department for the release of the deposit.
